Class Schedule Season of 2023/24
Class #1
Saturday, January 20th - Tuesday, August 23rd, 2024
Small-Leaf Broadleaf & Juniper styling growth management
Small-leaf Broadleaf Evergreen
Skills covered
Repotting methodology
Soil choice
Soil mixing and sifting
Container aesthetic and choices
Post-repotting care
Prerequisites: N/A
Positions available: 4
Cost: All 4 days $690 or $190 per day
Class #2
Monday, September 6th - Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Here we take on a Nuanced Repotting procedure and process as applied to some of our more unique types of root systems and metabolically functioning Species that are Banksia and Casuarina. Tasks will also include, soil prep, top dressing, container selections and tool prep and creation per situation of repot handled.
Skills covered
Repotting methodology
Soil choice
Soil mixing and sifting
Container aesthetic and choices
Post-repotting care
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #3
Friday, September 17th - Sunday, September 19th, 2021
Tropical Broadleaf - Ficus
Repotting procedure and process as applied to Tropical-Broadleaf trees, with a primary focus on the genus Ficus. Tropical species function at higher metabolic rates at higher temperatures requiring we wait a little linger than other Broadleaf trees to repot in the spring season. Tasks will also include, soil prep, top dressing, container selections and tool prep and creation per situation of repot handled.
Skills covered
Repotting methodology
Soil choice
Soil mixing and sifting
Container aesthetic and choices
Post-repotting care
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Spring Foliage Management
Class #4
Wednesday, September 29th - Friday, October 1st, 2021
Pinching, Pruning & Styling
Broadleaf Evergreen
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
Spring work is focused around three major techniques; styling, pre-flush pruning and pinching as the growth phase of the tree begins to run. Via these different growth control mechanisms we can either; style new material prior to its major push, prune trees before they push out that are in a secondary phase of development, or pinch trees that are in refinement. This is a broad scope of work and involved multiple techniques while generating an understanding of creation and management of growth in the spring.
Different species will grow and enter different stages at staggered times so work will be dependant on the trees in questions pace.
Skills covered
Spring growth management via pruning or pinching
Design methodology
Wiring Skills
Energy distribution
Prerequisites: Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the Tree Makers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #5
Sunday, October 10th, 2021
Kusamono Spring creation
Kusamono, the exploration, representation and creation of the understory. Here we will introduce Kusamono as a practice and dive into the creation of Kusamono. Many compositions will be assembled to explore aesthetics and stories.
Skills covered
Kusamono aesthetics
Repotting methodology
Soil methodology
Soil sifting
Container aesthetic and choices
Post-creation care
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 6
Cost: $250
Class #6
Friday, October 15th - Sunday, October 17th, 2021
Pinching, Pruning & Styling
Broadleaf Evergreen
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
Spring work is focused around three major techniques; styling, pre-flush pruning and pinching as the growth phase of the tree begins to run. Via these different growth control mechanisms we can either; style new material prior to its major push, prune trees before they push out that are in a secondary phase of development, or pinch trees that are in refinement. This is a broad scope of work and involved multiple techniques while generating an understanding of creation and management of growth in the spring.
Different species will grow and enter different stages at staggered times so work will be dependant on the trees in questions pace.
Skills covered
Spring growth management via pruning or pinching
Design methodology
Wiring Skills
Energy distribution
Prerequisites: Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the Tree Makers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #7
Friday, November 5th - Sunday, November 7th, 2021
Pinching, Pruning & Styling
Broadleaf Evergreen
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
Spring work is focused around three major techniques; styling, pre-flush pruning and pinching as the growth phase of the tree begins to run. Via these different growth control mechanisms we can either; style new material prior to its major push, prune trees before they push out that are in a secondary phase of development, or pinch trees that are in refinement. This is a broad scope of work and involved multiple techniques while generating an understanding of creation and management of growth in the spring.
Different species will grow and enter different stages at staggered times so work will be dependant on the trees in questions pace.
Skills covered
Spring growth management via pruning or pinching
Design methodology
Wiring Skills
Energy distribution
Prerequisites: Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the Tree Makers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Post-Harden Foliage management
Late-spring / Ealry Summer
Class #8
Friday, November 19th - Sunday, November 21st, 2021
Post-harden pruning
Broadleaf Evergreen
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
As Spring progresses and summer looms on our doorstep it is time to Post-Harden pruning of most species except Junipers. Partial defoliation of Broadleaf-evergreen and Deciduous, Pruning of Elongating species. All of the above may at times include wiring of pruned growth and styling to some degrees.
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning & partial-defoliation
Understanding Energy dilution
Some wiring
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: Full
Cost: $650
Class #9
Friday, November 26th - Sunday, November 28th, 2021
Post-harden pruning
Broadleaf evergreen
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
As Spring progresses and summer looms on our doorstep it is time to Post-Harden pruning of most species except Junipers. Partial defoliation of Broadleaf-evergreen, tropical and Deciduous, is the focus for this class. All of the above may at times include wiring of pruned growth and styling to some degrees.
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning & partial-defoliation
Understanding Energy dilution
Some wiring
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #10
December 3rd - Sunday, December 5th, 2021
Post-harden pruning
Elongating Species
As Spring progresses and summer looms on our doorstep it is time to Post-Harden pruning of most species except Junipers. Partial defoliation of Broadleaf-evergreen and Deciduous, Pruning of Elongating species. All of the above may at times include wiring of pruned growth and styling to some degrees.
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning
Understanding Energy dilution
Some wiring
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #11
Friday, December 10th - Sunday, December 12th, 2021
Post-harden pruning
Elongating Species
As Spring progresses and summer looms on our doorstep it is time to Post-Harden pruning of most species except Junipers. Partial defoliation of Broadleaf-evergreen and Deciduous, Pruning of Elongating species. All of the above may at times include wiring of pruned growth and styling to some degrees.
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning
Understanding Energy dilution
Some wiring
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: Full
Cost: $650
Summer Growth management / Design
Class #12
Friday, January 7th - Sunday, January 9th, 2022
Post-harden pruning
Tropical Broadleaf (Ficus)
As we hit the heart of Summer some species may need to wait until this time in January to be Post-Harden pruned. In particular is, Ficus. Ficus benefit from waiting until midsummer to perform highly reductive or manipulative work. Partial defoliation, pruning and styling is ideal at this time of year.
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning & partial-defoliation
Understanding Energy dilution
Design Methodology
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #13
Friday, January 21st - Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
Post-harden pruning
As we hit Summer some species may need to wait until January to be Post-Harden pruned. In particular is the Casuarina which benefits from waiting until midsummer to perform highly reductive or manipulative work.
Skills covered
Casuarina vascular and foliage nuances
Design methodology
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #14
Friday, February 4th - Sunday, February 6th, 2022
Pruning, management and Styling - Junipers & Cypress
Junipers & Cypress species need to wait until the turning of the summer solstice to have hardened off enough to recoup energy to be worked. Mid summer is perfect for Juniper and Cypress activities of all kinds, Pruning, Styling raw stock, and Refining mature trees. This class will also involve cleaning, painting of deadwood, and delineation of live veins. Tasks will be assigned based on skill level.
Note: This class is recommended to be paired class to pair with Class #15 ‘Deadwood delineation’
Skills covered
Growth management via Pruning
Design methodology
Deadwood formation
Live vein delineation
Deadwood Cleaning
Summer horticulture (as ascertained to Junipers and cypress)
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #15 (Advanced Class)
Thursday, February 18th - Sunday, February 20th, 2022
Heavy styling, advanced bending
ALL Species
Mid-Late Summer is an amazing time to apply heavy manipulation to the tissue of many Species, with a recouping of energy at this time as the tree prepares itself for vascular creation. The Skills in this class require an already in depth knowledge of skills leant in other classes so we ask that students of at least 2 years or currently be in a second year in the TreeMakers program attend this class.
Skills covered
Design methodology
Heavy Bending involving skills in leverage, Raffia work and sound wiring technique
Prerequisites: Have attended at least 2 years of Study at Tree Makers and have shown a well rounded proficiency in Skill. This class will be via invite and/or upon inquiry of confidence.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $850
Design and Curation
Early Autumn / Mid Autumn / Late Autumn
Class #16
Friday, March 18th - Sunday, March 20th, 2022
Styling & end-of-season management
ALL Species - except deciduous
This is an all encompassing time to apply Post-season growth management and styling to nearly all species of trees. This class will EXLUDE deciduous work as leaf drop needs to be achieved . SEE classes X.
Skills covered
Design methodology
Growth management via Pruning
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Dates: Friday, March 18th - Sunday, Mach 20th, 2022
Season: Early Autumn
Technique: Styling and Design
ALL Species - except deciduous
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #17
Friday, April 1st - Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
Styling & end-of-season management
Elongating Species focus
Elongating Species
This is an all encompassing time to apply Post-season growth management and styling to nearly all species of trees. This class will EXLUDE deciduous work as leaf drop needs to be achieved . SEE classes X.
Skills covered
Design methodology
Growth management via Pruning
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: FULL
Cost: $650
Class #18
Styling & end-of-season management
Broadleaf Evergreen focus
Broadleaf evergreen
This is an all encompassing time to apply Post-season growth management and styling to nearly all species of trees. This class will EXLUDE deciduous work as leaf drop needs to be achieved . SEE classes X.
Skills covered
Styling & Design methodology
Growth management via Pruning
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: FULL
Cost: $650
Class #19
Saturday, April 16th, 2022
Kusamono Autumn creation
Kusamono, the exploration, representation and creation of the understory. Here we will introduce Kusamono as a practice and dive into the creation of Kusamono. Many compositions will be assembled to explore aesthetics and stories.
Skills covered
Kusamono aesthetics
Repotting methodology
Soil methodology
Soil sifting
Container aesthetic and choices
Post-creation care
Prerequisites: none
Positions available: 6
Cost: $250
Class #20
Friday, April 22nd - Sunday, April 24th, 2022
Styling & end-of-season management
ALL Species (except deciduous)
This is an all encompassing time to apply Post-season growth management and styling to nearly all species of trees. This class will EXLUDE deciduous work as leaf drop needs to be achieved . SEE classes X.
Skills covered
Styling & Design methodology
Growth management via Pruning
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650
Class #21
Friday, May 20th - Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Styling & end-of-season management
Deciduous Focus
Deciduous broadleaves
As the leaves begin to wither and fall on our Deciduous broadleaves it is an ideal time to apply Post-season growth management and styling.
Skills covered
Styling & Design methodology
Growth management via Pruning
Prerequisites:Wiring Skills learnt in a Spring or Autumn class’s. NOTE this prerequisite is NOT ESSENTIAL, we can teach and apply wiring skills to you during class. This may mean some of your time will be allocated to learn Wiring exercises to up your skills with the TreeMakers method.
Positions available: 4
Cost: $650